Our Mission

It is the vision of the Controller's Office to strengthen the university's financial foundation and to meet the financial and accounting needs of a diverse and dynamic campus community with quality performance in a professional, courteous, and service-oriented manner.


It is our mission to:

  • Establish and communicate policies and procedures necessary to ensure the proper use of University resources.
  • Continuously seek to improve operational efficiencies, streamline administrative processes and procedures, and identify savings opportunities and reduce operating expenses. 
  • Receive and deposit funds due the University.
  • Maintain and process the University's payroll.
  • Ensure the prompt and proper settlement of amounts owed by the University.
  • Maintain the University's accounting and financial reporting systems.
  • Provide oversight and management to ensure the integrity of all University financial affairs.
  • Actively promote and monitor compliance with appropriate State and Federal financial and tax laws and regulations.