Attn Budget Managers - Non-Research Departments Expenditures Review (Action Required)

The NSF Higher Education Research and Development (HERD) Survey is the primary source of information on research and development expenditures at U.S. colleges & universities. It includes both internal (SRAD, cost share, research E&G departments, etc.) and external (sponsored research, Foundation, etc.) expenditures. Check out the Up2Speed Training Video to learn more about the HERD Survey. Since this report captures the purpose of the expense, we need departments’ assistance in properly coding some of these transactions in order to make sure we are accurately reporting our total investment in research.

Please see the Non-Research Departments to Review for Research Expenditures file located on the Office of Research Training webpage to determine if you are the Budget Manager of a department ID or Foundation fund included in this review. Transactions should be identified by using chartfield 1, 2 or 3 “RESEARCH.” A brief job aid has been provided to outline this process. These transactions must be coded by year-end in order to be included on the report.

If you have any questions regarding this process please contact Jenn Garye, Director of Business Operations at