The expenditure guidelines were created to assist departments determine allowable expenditures for the various types of funding at the university. Funds may only be expended for reasonable and appropriate goods or services necessary to accomplish the mission of Florida State University. To be an allowable expenditure, a clear business purpose must exist. Expenses for the personal convenience or preference of employees that are not necessary in order for the University to carry out its mission are prohibited. If you have questions about a specific expenditure, please contact Disbursement Services at
Note: In an emergency, employees may need to make purchases for the university using their personal funds. They may be reimbursed by submitting a Non-Travel Expense Report in Concur. Please include a justification with a detailed reason for not using other procurement methods and a plan to prevent future occurrences. Approval is based on Florida State University's Expenditure Guidelines.
Expenditure Guideline Links (Revised January 2025):
Additional Resources: