2021-22 Operating Budgets
Fiscal year 2021-22 operating budgets have been booked in OMNI-FI for all applicable funds except E&G-carryforward. While carryforward spending will be allowed as appropriate, related budgets will not be booked in OMNI until updated 2021-22 Carryforward Spending Plans have been approved. Like last year, the Budget Office will coordinate with Division representatives to update the spending plans. Until then, $0 budgets will be booked as needed for carryforward combinations, with resulting budget errors overridden to facilitate carryforward spending. Please continue to adhere to the State University System's definition of "non-recurring" for all carryforward expenditures.
COVID-19 Expenditures
As a reminder, as outlined in the March 26, 2020 Tracking COVID-19 Expenditures email, you are encouraged to utilize the COVID19 optional chartfield to track spending directly related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
For questions or assistance regarding budgets, contact the Budget Office at Budget@fsu.edu.