Outstanding Travel Charges | 7/22/2024

To proactively address outstanding charges on university Travel Cards, Disbursement Services is implementing a new standard operating procedure to ensure timely resolution of these transactions.

Starting in August 2024, employees with Travel Card and/or Lodge card charges that are at least 30 days past the trip end date or 30 days after the charge date and not placed on an expense report will receive an email from Travel staff, with their supervisor cc’d. This email will notify them that they have an additional 30 days to resolve these outstanding charges. Failure to do so after this 60-day period will result in the termination of their Travel Card. After 90 days, any unresolved charges will be assumed personal, removed from Concur, and treated as an account receivable from the employee, which may lead to wage garnishment.

Employees agree to the below when they sign the Travel Card Agreement.

11. My T-Card can be terminated for any misuse at any time.

13. I am responsible for placing charges on an expense report within five days of the T-Card charge appearing in my Available Expenses in Concur.

Additionally, the university’s travel policy (4-OP-D-2-D – II.D.1) states that personal expenses are the traveler’s responsibility and should not be paid with a university travel or lodge card. Without documentation to show otherwise, charges not submitted on an expense report in a timely manner are considered personal.

 For reference, a file containing charges that would currently be considered delinquent is available ​xlsx icon here. A Guide to Monitoring and Clearing Outstanding T-Card Charges is also available on the Travel Card site.

If you have any questions or require further assistance, please contact the FSU Travel Office at ctl-travel@fsu.edu.