Hello Financial Representatives,
The Departmental Student Payment team would like to provide clarifying information related to the use of account codes on the Departmental Student Payment form. The form allows for the use of one of four student aid account codes:
741580 Health Insurance – This account code should be used any time a department wishes to pay for a student’s health insurance charges owed either to FSU or as reimbursement for purchases made through a third party. Note- Students who have signed up for the Graduate Health Insurance Subsidy are ineligible to have their insurance paid by their department via this means.
741958 Other – This should be the most commonly used account code. This code should be selected for all tuition and other payments that are not related to health insurance or being paid toward a student who is classified as a Non-Resident Alien for tax purposes. Note- If you had previously sent your payments through the Departmental Billing process in Student Business Services, this is the code you will most likely want to use. You will also likely use this code when making payments directly to students.
741957 Qualified Tuition – Qualified tuition refers specifically to tuition as defined by the IRS (Matriculation, Capital Improvement, Financial Aid, Athletics, Activities and Services, Technology, Student Facilities, and Out of State), and should only be used under two circumstances:
- When the student is classified as a Non-Resident Alien for tax purposes and the department would like to pay for the student’s Qualified Tuition and Related Expenses (QTRE) only.
- When the grant or funding source stipulates that the funds may only be spent on QTRE as defined by the IRS.
When you select 741957, you should not enter an amount value greater than what the student owes in QTRE. You can find the student’s total outstanding QTRE by running the query FSU_SF_QTRE_LOOKUP in Student Central. Amounts greater than the student’s QTRE value will be returned to the department.
741959 Non-Qualified Tuition – Non-Qualified tuition refers to those charges that are not considered qualified tuition and related expenses by the IRS. This would include the health, health plus, counseling center, and transportation access fees which are bundled into tuition on the student’s account, along with any other receivable such as dining charges, library fines, parking citations, etc. This account code will almost never be used except in these two circumstances:
- When the grant or funding source stipulates that the funds may only be spent on non-QTRE as defined by the IRS.
- When the department knows that the student is classified as a Non-Resident Alien for tax purposes and makes the decision to pay a portion of the student’s balance as taxable through Payroll.
We appreciate your patience and flexibility as we work toward a streamlined and thorough business process! Please reach out to us with any questions or concerns at ctl-studentpayment@fsu.edu.