Reporting Options to Replace Retired OMNI Financials Reports and BI Dashboards


Oracle Business Intelligence (BI) reporting should provide all the necessary information provided by the Retired OMNI Financials Reports and BI Dashboards.  BI reporting is accessed through the portal by clicking the icon shown to the right.

The BI Departmental Ledger Review dashboard provides Department, Fund and Project ledger balance information related to the fiscal year and accounting period selected for the report.  Drilling links within the dashboard allow users to see the transaction details (source, journal date, journal ID, supplier/employee, transaction reference numbers) associated with ledger balances.


The Encumbrance Period Balance dashboard provides encumbrance balances as of the end of accounting periods.  Drilling links will allow users to see the transaction details (transaction date, transaction source, PO/TAUTH/JRNL reference number, vendor/employee) associated with those period balances.


The BI Transaction Details dashboard also provides transaction detail reporting for the fiscal year and accounting period selected for the report.


All three dashboards are available in the Financial Reports folder under Dashboards in BI.  We recommend using Firefox or Chrome for accessing these BI dashboards.

Period ledger balances and transaction details contained on the various OMNI Financials reports can be accessed by clicking the period balance amounts in the BI Departmental Ledger Review and Encumbrance Period Balance dashboards.


Transaction details for Expenses, Encumbrances, Cash, Revenue, Liabilities, and Other Assets are available in the BI Transaction Details dashboard with individual pages for each type of account.


Crosswalk of OMNI Financials nVision Reports to BI Transaction Details Dashboard 

OMNI Financials nVision Report

BI Transaction Details Dashboard Page

Department Cash Journal Report


Department Outstanding Encumbrances Report


Department Expense Journal Report


Department Liabilities Journal Report


Department Other Assets Journal Report

Other Assets

Department Revenue Journal Report



If you have questions regarding the retirement of the reports, please contact