FSU Fund Structure

FSU Fund Structure

Fund accounting is a system of accounting that allows an entity to track the amount and usage of cash assigned for different purposes.

A fund is an independent accounting entity with a self-balancing sets of accounts.  These accounts record all the transactions of that fund and are separated for the purpose of carrying on specific activities or attaining certain objectives in accordance with special regulations, restrictions, or limitations.  Monies received at FSU are recorded into specific funds in order to group certain similar activities/revenue sources together.

FSU receives money from various sources:

  1. State of Florida Legislature
    • Appropriations from the state’s General Revenue fund
    • Lottery allocation
  2. Students
    • Tuition
    • Fees
  3. Grantors/Sponsored Projects – Federal and non-federal contracts and grants awarded to faculty in support of research activities
  4. Donors – Donations received by the FSU Foundation, a separate non-profit entity
  5. Auxiliaries – Sale of goods and services to customers (employees, departments, students, members of the community)

Not all departments will have all of the above funding sources or have funding sources in the same amount as other departments.  Each fund type has its own specific rules about how monies can be spent.  Regardless of which fund is used, all expenditures must comply with FSU expenditure guidelines which can be found here

Below is a summary of the most commonly used funds at the University.  A full listing of all Fund Codes, can be obtained by running the FSU_DPT_CODES_FUND query.


E&G (Education & General) Funds

The term E&G funds is used to describe funds received by the State of Florida Legislature.  This includes appropriations from the State Legislature, allocation of Lottery funds, and student tuition and fees.  E&G Funds are generally numbered 1xx for most colleges and departments or 2xx for the College of Medicine and College of Engineering.  E&G Funds are numbered between 110 and 241.

The most commonly used E&G funds at FSU are:

  • 110 E&G General Revenue
  • 140 E&G Carryforward
  • 121 Tuition Differential
  • 126 Tuition Differential Carryforward

Spending must result in direct specific benefit to the University.  State Appropriation funds can be spent in a wide range of ways—salaries, office supplies, travel, etc.—so long as the funds are being spent for relevant operating expenses.

Fund 140 E&G Carryforward

Unexpended balances of E&G at June 30 of each year are carried forward and budgeted in the next fiscal year.  These funds have the same restrictions as state appropriations.

Fund 121 Tuition Differential

These must be spent to enhance undergraduate education.  Funds may not be used to pay salaries for graduate teaching assistants.

Fund 126 Tuition Differential Carryforward

Unexpended balances of tuition differential at June 30 of each year are carried forward and budgeted in the next fiscal year.  These funds have the same restrictions as Tuition Differential.


Non E&G Funds

Auxiliary Funds

Auxiliaries provide essential goods/services to departments, faculty, staff, students, and incidentally to the general public.  These funds can provide sales to other FSU Departments (internal customers) or to anyone else including the general public (external customers).  Auxiliary funds also include some non-E&G student fees.  Auxiliary Funds are generally numbered 3xx. 

The most commonly used Auxiliary fund is:

  • 320 Auxiliary Enterprises

Expenditures in auxiliary funds should be consistent with the mission/purpose of the auxiliary. 

Other Auxiliary Funds

Fund 325 – Aux – Market Rate Tuition

This fund includes funding from market tuition rates approved by the Board of Trustees for graduate-level courses offered online or through the university’s continuing education unit.  Surplus revenues from Market Tuition Rate auxiliaries may be used in support of non-auxiliary activities, but must still follow the E&G/auxiliary spending guidelines.

360 Transportation Access

This fund includes activities related to parking and transportation at the university, including all transportation access fees as well as fine and parking revenues collected from both FSU departments and individuals/entities outside the university. 

370 Housing

This fund includes activities related to housing at the university, including all student housing rental fees as well as other miscellaneous housing-related revenues collected from both FSU departments and individuals/entities outside the university.

390 Health

This fund includes activities related to the operation of the university's Wellness Center as well as other operations funded, in part, by student health fees.

630 Athletics

This fund includes activities related to university athletics, including all student athletic fees.


Designated Funds

Designated funds are collected or set aside for a specific purpose.  This includes funds administered by central offices or administrative departments, along with certain student fees.  Spending from a designated fund should be consistent with its mission/purpose.  The source of the designated funds determines which expenditure guidelines should be followed.

Fund 301 Designated Student Fees

The designated student fees fund includes fees for class materials & supplies, facility/equipment use, distance learning, and international programs. These funds must be spent in accordance with E&G guidelines.

Fund 330 Designated – Auxiliary Overhead

Central offices and administrative departments receive revenues from overhead fees collected from certain auxiliaries and designated funds as a means by which to recoup a portion of the expenses borne by these offices in support of auxiliary and designated fund operations. These funds should be spent in accordance with auxiliary expenditure guidelines.

Fund 335 Designated – Central Operations & Services

Central offices and administrative departments receive revenues from miscellaneous transfers and sources not related to auxiliary overhead.  These funds should be spent in accordance with auxiliary expenditure guidelines.

Fund 610 - Student Activities Fee

The student activities fee fund primarily records the Activity and Service (A&S) fee, along with some self-generated revenues from the FSU Flying High Circus, the Ogelsby Union, etc.  A&S fee revenues are allocated by SGA and should be spent to benefit the student body in general. A&S fee revenue may not be spent on activities for which an admission fee is charged to students (except for SGA-sponsored concerts).

Fund 615 - Student Technology Fee

The revenue in this fund comes from the technology fee paid by students. Spending should enhance instructional technology resources for students and faculty.  Funding is distributed in three ways: (1) one-third to the colleges based on an allocation model that uses each college’s most recent total student credit hours; (2) one-third to the central IT organizations based on a similar model; (3) most or all of the final one-third to faculty or staff projects that enhance instructional technology.

Fund 620 – Designated-Concessions

The revenue in this fund is received from vending machines and other concessions located on campus. These commissions are allocated from the President to the VPs and then to the various colleges/departments. These funds should be spent to support the purchase of food and refreshment items at university-wide events, faculty and staff recruitment, commencements, training, lecture series, board of trustees, student housing socials and convocation events.


C&G (Contracts & Grants) Funds

The term C&G funds is used to describe funds received from contracts, grants, and other research-related monies provided by governments or private entities, aka sponsored projects.  C&G funds are held either with Sponsored Research Administration (Federal monies) or with the FSU Research Foundation (non-Federal monies).  These are recorded in OMNI in a variety of funds between 520 and 570.

The most commonly used C&G funds at FSU are:

  • 520 Sponsored Programs Federal
  • 530 Sponsored Programs State
  • 545 Sponsored Programs Research Foundation
  • 550 SRAD Distributions

C&G spending must comply with all university and agency requirements, and must follow the terms of the contract/grant.  Sponsored Research Administration or the Research Foundation provide final review and approval of these funds.  In addition to a Fund number, sponsored projects all have a Project ID associated with them.  You can find Sponsored Research Administration’s policies and procedures related to C&G funds here.


FSU Foundation Funds (Fund 599)

The Florida State University Foundation’s mission is to enhance the academic vision and priorities of FSU through its organized fundraising activities and funds management.  Beginning July 1, 2018 all expenses related to Foundation funds are processed through OMNI.  In addition to being assigned to Fund 599, each individual Foundation fund is also assigned a unique Project ID.

Foundation spending must comply with the specific fund’s donor intent and follow FSU Foundation policy and procedures.  FSU Foundation administrative staff provide final review and approval of these funds.  You can find FSU Foundation’s policies and procedures here.


Construction Funds

Construction funds are used to account for construction activities across campus, and are numbered 8xx.  When departments provide their own funding, cash is transferred to an equivalent Construction Fund which is managed by Facilities.  The Department ID associated with the project does not change when the cash is transferred to facilities.

The most commonly used Construction Funds are:

  • 801 E&G GR Capital Project
  • 802 Carryforward Capital Project
  • 826 Auxiliary Capital Project