Property Inventory

The 2024/2025 Inventory Schedule has been finalized as of July 1, 2024. The asset detail and inventory counts were updated and finalized based on the ending inventory as of June 28, 2024. Please note that your annual inventory may always be completed ahead of the posted schedule if it is convenient for your department.

Departments performing their own inventory could be selected for a random review throughout FY25. If your department is selected for a review, you will be contacted by a member of the Asset Management team to schedule a review appointment.

Important Information:

    • Inventory Completion Certification Form The purpose of this form is for those responsible for the inventory to acknowledge that it has been completed and to note any exceptions found. This form must be signed by the Inventory Taker, Property Custodian and Property Manager, and submitted electronically to Asset Management for the department’s inventory to be considered complete.
    • Trade-Ins – A Trade-In Release Form must be attached to the requisition of the new purchase associated with the traded item.
    • Maintenance – Departments are responsible for performing adequate maintenance and/or calibration of all non-consumable tangible personal property. Maintenance shall be performed in accordance with the manufacturer’s specification or as deemed necessary. Maintenance logs must be maintained by the department for property purchased through federal awards.
    • Attractive/Sensitive Property – Expendable property items (acquisition cost of less than $5,000) that are prone to theft because they are either portable, contain information/data, or are easily adaptable for personal use, should be tracked as an attractive item. Please see the Best Practices Guide for Attractive/Sensitive Property for more information.