Frequently Asked Questions - Auxiliary Services


Invoices will be sent directly out of OMNI Financials using to the budget manager within each buying department. Budget managers should add this email address to their safe senders list to ensure these messages are received. Note: Statements are not sent to internal customers.

Yes, copies of internal invoices can be accessed within OMNI Financials. For a copy of the invoice, buying departments should navigate to OMNI Financials (FI) > Transactions & Reporting > Search for an AUX Invoice. When prompted, enter the Business Unit (AUX01), the Invoice number (begins with “AUX”) and select “Search”. When the invoice details appear, select “View Invoice Image” to retrieve a PDF copy of the invoice. Please refer to the training guide Understanding Auxiliary AR/Billing Charges found on the Training > Auxiliary Services training materials > Resources for Buying Departments – Requisition Guides section of the Controller’s Office website for more guidance.

No action is required by the buying department when a budget manager changes. Because the budget manager is the primary contact for internal buying departments at the university, the Auxiliary Services team monitors changes made by the Budget Office and will update this information on the internal auxiliary customer contact record prior to the monthly bill cycle process.

While the timing of invoicing varies by selling auxiliary, internal bills ready to be charged to a buying department are invoiced by the Controller’s Office and sent to budget managers during the monthly Auxiliary Billing Cycle, typically on or around the 5th business day prior to the end of the month. Once invoices are generated, vouchers are created to transfer cash from the buying department to the selling auxiliary, expenses are recorded, and the encumbrance is reduced by the amount charged.

There are two entries that are recorded to the general ledger when an auxiliary invoice is paid by an internal department. When the voucher is created in OMNI Financials, the system debits expense and credits accounts payable. Once the voucher has been paid and cash has been transferred to the selling auxiliary, the system debits accounts payable and credits cash.

There are a couple of ways buying departments can determine if an expense was generated from auxiliary billing. The first way is to review the vendor or supplier ID associated with the charge. If the expense was the result of an invoice generated by a selling auxiliary within the university, the vendor or supplier ID will begin with “AUX” followed by 7 numbers (such as AUX0000068). Another indication that a charge was generated from auxiliary billing is that the invoice number will begin with “AUX” followed by 8 numbers (such as AUX00148400). Please refer to the training guide Understanding Auxiliary AR/Billing Charges found on the Training > Auxiliary Services training materials > Resources for Buying Departments – Requisition Guides section of the Controller’s Office website for more guidance.

Buying departments should refer to copies of their internal invoices for reconciling charges on the general ledger. In addition, they can use OMNI Financials query FSU_DPT_AUX_INVOICE_REVIEW which provides various information including invoice number, total invoice amount, invoice date, purchase order number, purchase order line, supplier as well as the voucher number. All charges should be reconciled timely to ensure accuracy in the financial data and any questions or discrepancies should be discussed with the selling auxiliary. Please refer to the training guide Understanding Auxiliary AR/Billing Charges found on the Training > Auxiliary Services training materials > Resources for Buying Departments – Requisition Guides section of the Controller’s Office website for more guidance.

When a buying department feels an error has been made on an internal invoice they received, they should take one of the following corrective actions:

Please reach out to the billing specialist on the invoice or contact the Auxiliary Services team for additional guidance.



Yes, BTUIB1 – Understanding Internal Billing is part of the Financial Basics Credential and Financial Administrator Credential certificate training series for FSU employees. Employees at the university do not need to pursue one of these certificates to attend the training and can register for the course through the Human Resources module of OMNI Financials.

An internal auxiliary requisition is a formal request for an internal auxiliary purchase order. Once fully approved, it dispatches to become an internal auxiliary purchase order, allowing charges to be billed by selling auxiliaries.

Internal auxiliary purchase orders typically expire at the end of a fiscal year; however, there are a subset that may roll over to the following fiscal year. Examples of these internal auxiliary purchase orders includes Housing, Construction and Sponsored Project purchase orders with project end dates falling between 6/30 and 8/31. Budget Managers receive notifications about rolling purchase orders around April prior to year-end.

Yes, departments should keep an eye out for the Controller's Office Year End calendar announcement. It outlines the pre-entry window, allowing buying departments the opportunity to submit internal auxiliary requisitions for the upcoming fiscal year.

To change the funding source for auxiliary billing charges, buying departments should complete the Internal Purchase Order Change Request found on the Auxiliary Services Forms > Forms for Buying Departments section of the Controller’s Office website. The Auxiliary Services team will work with the department to notify the selling auxiliary of the funding change and communicate with each area should there be additional steps needed to update shadow systems, which could impact future billings.

To request goods or services, the buying department should contact the selling auxiliary directly. Orders will require an internal auxiliary purchase order and line be provided. The internal auxiliary purchase order does not initiate a sales order to the selling auxiliary and must be done separately by the buying department.

Selling auxiliaries should refer buying departments within the university to the appropriate internal auxiliary requisition entry guide found on the Training > Auxiliary Services training materials > Resources for Buying Departments – Requisition Guides section of the Controller’s Office website. There are separate requisition entry guides for each selling auxiliary which will provide instructions for how to place an order as well as the supplier ID and category codes the buying department will need to establish an internal auxiliary purchase order.

No, buying departments should have a valid internal auxiliary purchase order in place before ordering goods or services from a selling auxiliary.

Yes, the internal auxiliary purchase order is a requirement between internal buying departments and selling auxiliaries at the university, provided the selling auxiliary is set up in OMNI Financials for auxiliary billing. A complete list of selling auxiliaries that have been onboarded can be found on the OMNI AR/Billing Depts document under the Resources section of the Auxiliary Services page of the Controller’s Office website.

If a valid internal auxiliary purchase order is not in place at the time a buying department places an order with a selling auxiliary, the selling auxiliary will not provide the good or service. The internal auxiliary purchase order guarantees payment for the good or service being provided.

Buying departments should review OMNI Financials query FSU_DPT_AUX_INT_PO_EXP_SUM, which provides expense summaries for a given fiscal year. This report categorizes expenses by auxiliary by supplier ID, category code and account. It is important to consider any changes in the new fiscal year when determining the amount to encumber on your new purchase order.

Buying departments should refer to the appropriate internal auxiliary requisition entry guide found on the Training > Auxiliary Services training materials > Resources for Buying Departments – Requisition Guides section of the Controller’s Office website. There are separate requisition entry guides for each selling auxiliary which will provide instructions for how to place an order as well as the supplier ID and category codes the buying department will need to establish an internal auxiliary purchase order.

Once the internal auxiliary purchase order is dispatched, review OMNI Financials query FSU_CTRL_AUX_PO_ENC_EXP_1 to monitor encumbrance and expense totals against the purchase order, along with the remaining encumbrance. Consistently reviewing this query throughout the fiscal year ensures that a buying department’s remaining encumbrance balance aligns with anticipated expenditures for auxiliaries.

Buying departments have the flexibility to split their purchase orders across multiple accounting distributions on the same purchase order line. This practice is often seen in departments that share a copier lease with OBS Copier Services; however, it is important to note that split-funded lines can create reporting issues when reviewing OMNI Financial queries and may show overstated expenses. Therefore, it is advisable to use this option only when necessary.

No, university purchasing cards cannot be used to pay a selling auxiliary when purchasing goods or services. An internal auxiliary purchase order is required between the buying department and selling auxiliary, and the payment process is generated automatically for internal bills through the monthly auxiliary bill cycle.

No, buying departments do not need to create receipts when purchasing goods or services from a selling auxiliary. Once invoices are generated, vouchers are created through the monthly auxiliary bill cycle at which point encumbrances are liquidated, without requiring receipts for internal auxiliary purchase orders.

Recurring charges are charges that occur monthly until the selling auxiliary is notified to stop providing services to the buying department. Examples include copier rentals from OBS Copier Services, local phone and managed port fees from Information Technology Services, and utility charges from Facilities.

Buying departments must provide both the internal auxiliary purchase order and line information to the selling auxiliary when requesting goods or services to ensure charges are billed correctly.

No, the internal auxiliary purchase order is merely a charge mechanism within OMNI Financials. The selling auxiliary can charge the internal auxiliary purchase order beyond the encumbrance amount set by the buying department. As a result, it is important for buying departments to manage their encumbrance balance throughout the fiscal year.

Accounts Receivable

Selling auxiliaries can use OMNI Financials query FSU_AUX_AGING_BY_DPT_ASOFDT to review or monitor outstanding receivables with their auxiliary customers.

Departments can review a specific customer record and all related activity by using the Collections Workbench in OMNI Financials. Please refer to the training guide Understanding Accounts Receivable (AAR1) found on the Training > Auxiliary Services training materials > Resources for Selling Auxiliaries - Accounts Receivable section of the Controller’s Office website for more guidance.

Yes, PDF statements are sent electronically from OMNI Financials to external or component unit auxiliary customers on or around the first day of each month. The statement is sent to the primary contact’s email address. Statements include outstanding invoice and open payment activity as well as information regarding how to remit payment. Note: Statements are not sent to internal customers.

PDF statements are sent electronically from OMNI Financials to external or component unit auxiliary customers on or around the first day of each month. The statement is sent to the primary contact’s email address. Note: Statements are not sent to internal customers.

The Auxiliary Services team performs outreach, referred to as dunning, on all customers with outstanding balances on or around the 15th of each month. In addition, the staff will communicate with the selling auxiliary to collect on outstanding amounts owed to them and/or to discuss any charges that may be disputed by an auxiliary customer. These efforts are ongoing throughout the month.

Auxiliary customers that do not remit payment and are past due will continue to be contacted through dunning by the Auxiliary Services team. Monthly outreach will be made to the auxiliary customer to attempt to collect the payment and may be escalated to management for additional efforts.

If the receivable remains outstanding after two fiscal years, it will be eligible to be written off once authorized by the budget manager. When the receivable is written off, bad debt expense is recorded to the selling auxiliary’s department for the amount of the invoice, so it is important to ensure that sufficient budget exists to allow for this expense.

When payment is received before an invoice has been created by the selling auxiliary, the payment is placed on the auxiliary customer’s account as an open payment. Open payments placed on a customer’s account are monitored, researched, and resolved by the Auxiliary Services team.

Open payments placed on an auxiliary customer’s account are typically resolved in one of three ways:

  • If the open payment is intended to satisfy an outstanding charge for goods or services received in which an invoice has not yet been created, the Auxiliary Services team will work with the selling auxiliary and once the invoice has been created, will apply the payment to the outstanding invoice.

  • If the open payment is identified as a departmental deposit or expense refund/reimbursement and not a payment for goods or services received, the payment is removed from the auxiliary customer’s account and provided to the Deposit Accounting team to process an ARD journal.

  • If the open payment is determined to be a duplicate payment, the payment is removed from the auxiliary customer’s account and a refund is initiated.

Customers receiving auxiliary invoices can remit payment to the university in any of the following manners:

  • Physical payments (checks): Auxiliary customers should remit physical payments directly to the Auxiliary Services P.O. Box shown on the invoice or deliver payment to the Controller’s Office drop box. Include a copy of the invoice or reference the invoice number (begins with “AUX”) on the remittance advice.

Florida State University Auxiliary Accounts Receivable
P.O. Box 3062397
Tallahassee, FL 32306-2397

  • Credit card payments: Credit card payments can only be made online and cannot be taken over the phone. To make a credit card payment online, customers should visit the Auxiliary Services eMarket site. The invoice number (begins with “AUX”) and customer ID (begins with “AUX1”) from the invoice will be required to pay an auxiliary invoice online. Note: A non-refundable service fee of 2.75% for domestic charges or 4.25% for international charges will be assessed.

  • Electronic payments (ACH/Wire): Auxiliary customers who wish to make electronic payments via ACH or wire should contact the Cash Management & Banking team to obtain banking information or for any vendor setup or registration requirements. Once established, auxiliary customers should email with payment remittance information, including invoice numbers.


Yes, credit card payments can only be made online and cannot be taken over the phone. To make a credit card payment online, customers should visit the Auxiliary Services eMarket site. The invoice number (begins with “AUX”) and customer ID (begins with “AUX1”) from the invoice will be required to pay an auxiliary invoice online. Note: A non-refundable service fee of 2.75% for domestic charges or 4.25% for international charges will be assessed.

Yes, electronic payments via ACH or Wire can be made to the university. Auxiliary customers should first contact the Cash Management & Banking team to establish an EFT setup. Once established, auxiliary customers should email with payment remittance information, including invoice numbers. Note: Banking information will not be shared with departments to provide to an auxiliary customer. The auxiliary customer must reach out to the Cash Management & Banking team directly to establish an EFT setup.

Typically, the Controller’s Office assesses a $25.00 fee when a payment is returned due to insufficient funds. Additional FAQs concerning Returned Check Processing can be found on the Frequently Asked Questions - Deposit Accounting > Returned Check Processing section of the Controller’s Office website.

Payment attachments are located directly within OMNI Financials. Attachments may include check images, remittance advices or other information that accompanied the payment. Please refer to the training guide Attachments and Receipts for Deposits found on the Training > Deposit Accounting training materials > Departmental Deposits section of the Controller’s Office website for more guidance.

Training materials can be found on the Training > Auxiliary Services training materials > Resources for Selling Auxiliaries – Accounts Receivable section of the Controller’s Office website Some of the most common resources used for accounts receivable are outlined below:


Yes, some setup and configuration will be needed for a selling auxiliary to successfully create a bill. The degree to which this is required depends on the billing activity and types of customers the selling auxiliary will be invoicing. Please reach out to the Auxiliary Services team for assistance on bill creation and to identify any data elements that may be needed. The Auxiliary Services team will coordinate with other areas, such as ITS, to complete the necessary setup and configuration requirements in OMNI Financials.

Selling auxiliary supplier IDs can be found using OMNI Financials query FSU_AUX_VENDOR_INFO.

An internal bill is created when a selling auxiliary charges another internal department at the university for a good or service. An internal auxiliary purchase order is required when a selling auxiliary provides a good or service to a buying department. Internal bills are only invoiced during the monthly Auxiliary Billing Cycle performed by the Controller’s Office and should not be invoiced by a selling auxiliary.

An external bill is created when a selling auxiliary charges an entity outside of the university (external or component unit customer) for a good or service. No purchase order is required for external bills unless it is a requirement of the customer to ensure payment. External bills can be invoiced at any point in the month by the selling auxiliary or picked up and invoiced during the monthly Auxiliary Billing Cycle performed by the Controller’s Office.

Internal customer IDs for buying departments at FSU can be determined using OMNI Financials query FSU_CTRL_AUX_CUST. The internal customer ID for FSU departments that have been established as auxiliary customers can be found in the Name 2 column.

No, billing activity related to research is only one factor that could determine whether Sponsored Research Administration (SRA) or the FSU Research Foundation (FSURF) should manage the contract and administer the activity. Billing activity, regardless of whether research is involved, that includes terms and conditions, including but not limited to such items as federal acquisition regulations, publications, intellectual property, allowable costs, subcontracting, cost sharing, human participants, animal subjects, and /or export control regulations requires one of those offices to administer the activity. The type of funding determines which office must administer it. For more guidance in determining which office (SRA, FSURF or Auxiliary Services) should process the invoice, please refer to the Sponsored Project vs. Auxiliary Decision Tree.

Selling auxiliaries can review internal auxiliary purchase orders established for their auxiliary by using OMNI Financials query FSU_AUX_PO_DTL.

T-bills, or auxiliary bills in TMR (Temporary Ready) status, are bills created against projects utilizing internal auxiliary purchase orders on funds 520-556 and require approval from Sponsored Research Administration or the FSU Research Foundation prior to invoicing. If the selling auxiliary utilizes the upload or interface functionality, workflow is built into the system to route to the respective area for approval of each TMR bill. Please refer to the training guide ABILL1 – Upload & Interface Bills found on the Training > Auxiliary Services training materials > Resources for Selling Auxiliaries - Billing section of the Controller’s Office website for more guidance.

When standard or manual bills are created by the selling auxiliary, an email will need to be sent to the appropriate area requesting approval from Sponsored Research Administration or the FSU Research Foundation prior to invoicing, as there is no workflow built into the system to obtain this approval. The selling auxiliary should leave the bill in NEW status as the bill will be set to RDY (Ready) by the project approver once it has been approved. Below are the contacts for a selling auxiliary to reach out to in each area to obtain the required approvals when creating standard or manual bills:

Please refer to the training guide ABILL2 – Creating an Online (Standard or Manual) Bill found on the Training > Auxiliary Services training materials > Resources for Selling Auxiliaries - Billing section of the Controller’s Office website for more guidance.

No, purchase orders for external or component unit customers must only be included on an invoice if they are provided by the customer and required to remit payment.

No, internal bills are invoiced by the Controller’s Office during the monthly Auxiliary Billing Cycle. Selling auxiliaries can invoice external bills throughout the month or place them in RDY (Ready) status to be picked up and invoiced by the Controller’s Office during the monthly bill cycle process.

Selling auxiliaries can use OMNI Financials query FSU_AUX_BILL_NOT_INV to review bills that have been created in OMNI Financials but not yet invoiced.

Below is a list of a bill’s status and its meaning:

  • QUO(Quote): A bill in QUO status is an estimate. Quotes can be turned into bills at a later date.

  • CAN(Canceled): A bill in CAN status has been canceled.

  • NEW: A bill in NEW status was just created in the system, and this is the first step in the process.

  • HLD(Hold): A bill in HLD status is typically because there is an issue with the bill. This often happens during the monthly bill cycle process when there is an invalid purchase order or other error with the bill, which prevents it from being processed.

  • TMR(Temporary Ready): A bill in TMR status is waiting on approval from Sponsored Research Administration or the FSU Research Foundation.

  • RDY(Ready): A bill in RDY status is ready to be invoiced.

  • INV(Invoice): A bill in INV status has been invoiced and cannot be edited.

Invoices will be sent directly out of OMNI Financials using Customers should add this email address to their safe senders list to ensure these messages are received. Monthly statements will also come from this email address.

Selling auxiliaries can use OMNI Financials query FSU_AUX_BILL_INV_RVW to review bills that have been invoiced in OMNI Financials.

When a selling auxiliary determines an error has been made on an internal bill, please refer to the training guide ABILL8 – View & Edit a Bill found on the Training > Auxiliary Services training materials > Resources for Selling Auxiliaries - Billing section of the Controller’s Office website for more guidance. As long as the bill has not yet been processed through the auxiliary billing cycle, the corrections can be made within the system before it is processed.

Once a bill has been processed through the auxiliary billing cycle, the selling auxiliary should take one of the following corrective actions:

Please reach out to the billing specialist on the invoice or contact the Auxiliary Services team for additional guidance.

When a selling auxiliary determines an error has been made on an external bill, please refer to the training guide ABILL8 – View & Edit a Bill found on the Training > Auxiliary Services training materials > Resources for Selling Auxiliaries - Billing section of the Controller’s Office website for more guidance. As long as the bill has not yet been invoiced in OMNI Financials, the corrections can be made within the system before it is invoiced and is sent to the customer.

Once a bill has been invoiced, the selling auxiliary should take one of the following corrective actions:

  • Credit Invoice: If the error is due to the wrong customer being billed or a duplicate charge being invoiced, the selling auxiliary should issue a credit invoice. The Auxiliary Services team will perform system maintenance to match up the original invoice with the credit invoice so they offset and no longer show open in the system. Note: It is recommended that the selling auxiliary communicate with their customers when this occurs to inform them of the error to ensure they do not pay the invoice.

  • Credit/Rebill Invoice: If the error is due to an incorrect quantity or amount being charged to the customer, the selling auxiliary should issue a credit/rebill invoice. This process credits the original invoice and creates a new one with the correct charges. Similar to when crediting an invoice, the Auxiliary Services team will perform system maintenance to match up the original invoice with the credit invoice so they offset and no longer show open in the system. This will then leave only the adjusted, corrected invoice open for the customer to pay. Note: It is recommended that the selling auxiliary communicate with their customer when this occurs to ensure they pay the correct invoice.

Please refer to the training guide ABILL3 - Adjusting Invoices (Crediting & Rebilling) found on the Training > Auxiliary Services training materials > Resources for Selling Auxiliaries - Billing section of the Controller’s Office website or contact the Auxiliary Services team for more guidance.

There are two entries that are recorded to the general ledger when an auxiliary invoice is created and paid. When the invoice is created in OMNI Financials, the system debits accounts receivable and credits revenue. Once a payment has been applied to the invoice in OMNI Financials, the system debits cash and credits accounts receivable.

Revenue is recorded to the general ledger in OMNI Financials during the monthly Auxiliary Billing Cycle. The transactions post overnight and funds are available the following day.

Training materials can be found on the Training > Auxiliary Services training materials > Resources for Selling Auxiliaries - Billing section of the Controller’s Office website. Some of the most common resources used for billing are outlined below:

In addition, the following resources can be found under the Resources section on the Auxiliary Services page of the Controller’s Office website:

  • Billing Cheat Sheet: This document provides various resources, guides and key tips for success in managing an auxiliary’s billing data.

  • 2024 Bill Cycle Calendar: This document provides important deadlines related to the monthly bill cycle for the calendar year.


Auxiliary customers IDs can be found by using OMNI Financials query FSU_CTRL_AUX_CUST. The output will show various information on the customer such as the customer ID, status (active, inactive, etc.) as well as the associated contact name and email address where invoices will be sent.

Auxiliary customers are classified into three groups: Internal, External and Component Unit. How a customer makes their payment drives the classification, as defined below:

  • Internal: Customer is an FSU department (6 digit department ID). All payments are processed through the monthly bill cycle and require an internal auxiliary purchase order when requesting goods or services. Note: This includes FSU Foundation funds where charges are paid on fund 599.

  • External: Customer is an organization external to the university. External customers can consist of consumers, commercial business enterprises not operated by government, federal, state and local government entities as well as other institutions.

  • Component Unit: Customer is a Direct Support Organization (DSO) of FSU. Examples include the FSU Foundation, FSU Research Foundation and Seminole Boosters.

To add an auxiliary customer to OMNI Financials, the selling auxiliary should complete the Customer Add/Update Form found on the Auxiliary Services Forms > Forms for Selling Auxiliaries section of the Controller’s Office website.

To make changes and updates to an existing auxiliary customer in OMNI Financials, the selling auxiliary should complete the Customer Add/Update Form found on the Auxiliary Services Forms > Forms for Selling Auxiliaries section of the Controller’s Office website.

Contact sequences are contacts associated with auxiliary customers who receive copies of invoices or other communication on behalf of the auxiliary customer. The primary contact is the individual responsible for ensuring payment of the invoice. The contact sequence for internal customers (FSU departments) will always be the budget manager for the buying department.

The primary contact is contact sequence 1 for an auxiliary customer. This contact will always receive monthly statements and may be the accounts payable department or the contact the selling auxiliary is working with to obtain payment. To send an invoice to a contact other than the primary contact, the contact must be manually selected when the bill is created. If a selling auxiliary needs to invoice a contact that is not listed on the FSU_CTRL_AUX_CUST query in OMNI Financials, complete the Customer Add/Update Form found on the Auxiliary Services Forms > Forms for Selling Auxiliaries section of the Controller’s Office website before creating a bill.

Training materials can be found on the Training > Auxiliary Services training materials > Resources for Selling Auxiliaries - Customers section of the Controller’s Office website. Some of the most common resources used for customers are outlined below:


Yes, BTUIB1 – Understanding Internal Billing is part of the Financial Basics Credential and Financial Administrator Credential certificate training series for FSU employees. Employees at the university do not need to pursue one of these certificates to attend the training and can register for the course through the Human Resources module of OMNI.

Selling auxiliaries should refer buying departments within the university to the appropriate auxiliary requisition entry guide found on the Training > Auxiliary Services training materials > Resources for Buying Departments – Requisition Guides section of the Controller’s Office website. There are separate requisition entry guides for each selling auxiliary which will provide instructions for how to place an order as well as the supplier ID and category codes the buying department will need to establish an internal auxiliary purchase order.

When a buying department does not have a valid internal auxiliary purchase order in place to purchase goods or services, the selling auxiliary should submit the charges to the Auxiliary Services team using the Pending Charge Template Form found on the Forms > Auxiliary Services Forms > Forms for Selling Auxiliaries section of the Controller’s Office website. The Auxiliary Services team will work with the buying department to obtain a valid internal auxiliary purchase order and has the authority to force a requisition, if necessary.

No, the internal auxiliary purchase order is merely a charge mechanism within OMNI Financials. The selling auxiliary can charge the internal auxiliary purchase order beyond the encumbrance amount set by the buying department. As a result, it is important for buying departments to manage their encumbrance balance throughout the fiscal year.

Training materials can be found on the Training > Auxiliary Services training materials > Resources for Selling Auxiliaries - Purchasing section of the Controller’s Office website. Some of the most common resources used for purchasing are outlined below: