Date and Time: February 15, 2017 from 8:30am – 11:30am
Location: FSU College of Medicine Durrell Peaden Auditorium
Purpose: To provide Important updates and information for Departmental Financial Representatives
Topics will largely include a Legislative and Budget update, the current systems and solutions that the University is in the process of implementing/rolling out, such as the AR/Billing Solution, SpearMart, and Concur (Request, Travel, and Expense Modules), as well as discussion on the strategy to integrate each with OMNI Financials (PeopleSoft Financials and Supply Chain Management), and how each will affect the user experience.
Presenters will include representatives from the Controller’s Office, Procurement, and The Vice President of Finance and Administration.
While it is strongly encouraged that you come to the live event to be able to see the demonstrations, network, and ask questions of the Presenters, we do understand some folks cannot make the live event.
The PowerPoint presentations and Video are available below.